What is Cartography?

Cartography is the science which deals with the production, use and study of the graphic representation of the Earth's surface, in areas of regional, national or global scope, having as its final product the map or chart usually at scales greater than 1/25 000. In cartography, the representations of a given area of the earth's surface are accompanied by several layers of information, using symbols, colours, patterns, among other graphic elements that improve the user's understanding. Cartography can be understood as the flat, simplified and conventional geometric representation of the whole of the Earth's surface or part of it presented through maps, charts or plans.

Today, topographic or thematic cartography is produced using highly evolved means, such as satellite images, high-resolution digital aerial photographs, LIDAR sensors, among others. Allied to computer resources, digital renderers and powerful software, cartography professionals are able to obtain greater accuracy in their calculations, creating maps with great precision and with minimal margins of error.
In Portugal, cartography regulation is the responsibility of the G.D.T (General Directorate of the Territory), which is also responsible for its homologation and verifies compliance with the legislation in force (https://www.dgterritorio.gov.pt/cartografia/legislacao). The G.D.T. is also the only entity that can certify and homologate cartography, even in the case of information produced at a larger scale, when this is required by public entities for the purposes of municipal master plans, urbanisation plans or detailed plans for a particular area under development or project.

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